Mayor Chris Beutler has declared a Level 2 mandatory water restriction for both businesses and residents of Lincoln, NE.

For residents, this means a 50% reduction in overall consumption – and yes, that includes showering/laundry/running dish washers. Please hold off on these things as much as you can.

*or at least much shorter showers ;)*

Lincoln’s water supply is safe to drink but these precautions are necessary to ensure our water supply remains unaffected.

Read more HERE. 


Businesses throughout the capitol city are having a tough time keeping bottled/packaged water on their shelves.

Between donating cases to our suffering communities and efforts to reduce water consumption, they’re going fast.

My advice is to not wait for your water.

If you have an opportunity to snag some next time you’re out and about, do it.

-Coryelle #NNL

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